One of my favorite moments this week was being a part of hosting the Cedar Mountain Fire and Rescue Cookout fundraiser this past Sunday.  It was standing room only as the community came out to support these amazing neighbors.  We are so grateful to know them and to be a part of their fundraising activities.  It is astounding to me what these volunteers do.  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

Thank you to our amazing community!

I also had a not so favorite moment.  Someone came in and asked if we could throw away his plastic bottle and other trash.  This happens from time to time.  We usually explain we are a pack-it-in pack-it-out public house and don’t take trash.  Most folks are amazing when they hear this.

I am not proud of my response.  I have been fretting at the heat waves the world is facing and my frustration came out in my response, and I wish I could apologize to this gentleman.  Single-use plastic production did incredible damage to my hometown.

I feel we are running out of time to make changes.  I explained to another soul when the conversation came up that eating meat is one of the biggest contributors to making the earth hotter.  Let’s stop doing that.  We host a plant-based lunch at noon the second Saturday of every month.  Join us for a meat-free lunch.  We would love to share with you.