We get asked for this recipe so often we thought we would share it this way to make it easy for anyone to try it.  Thanks for asking and sharing your joy.



Makes a gallon
Soak 4 cups of dried brown lentils overnight if possible. You don’t need to soak them at all but it helps with digestion.
Put 4 tablespoons of olive oil and a tablespoon of toasted sesame oil in a pan.
Dice a large onion, an entire bunch of celery and about a teaspoon of a hot pepper and sauté in the oil. You want to cook it awhile until it is almost a mush.
Half way through the cooking add a teaspoon of black pepper and a 2 inch square of kombu seaweed cut up into bite size pieces.
Add 2 tablespoons of salt and let cook about 5 minutes.
Toast a tablespoon of cumin seed and grind into a powder.
Add the cumin seed and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to the pot.
Every time you add an ingredient mix really well.
Cook for about 5 minutes and add about a pint of cold water and mix well.
Let this simmer about 5 minutes and stir occasionally to get all the flavors evenly distributed in the broth.
Rinse the lentils and add 1/4 of them and stir well. Add enough cold water to cover them.
Repeat until all the lentils are added and covered with cold water. You need to add an inch or so of water over the lentils as they will expand as the cook.
Bring to a gentle boil and let cook until lentils are done, usually about 30 minutes.
I use an instapot so after they are done I l put them on Low Slow cook to give the flavors time to meld.
It is always better after the first day.
I chop onions and cucumbers or turnips and soak them in vinegar, water, salt and pepper and use as a garnish. Grandma always served that with her Mujudra. You can make this as strong as you like. Best if they sit for a bit in the refrigerator.